# Command Abstract

Abstract base class for all Chariot.js commands. Every command created must extend this class, otherwise Chariot.js won't register the command upon initialization. This class should never be instantiated as-is without being extended!

A highly detailed command template along with explanations and command examples can be found here.

# Constructor

Instantiation: In command subclass via super();

Parameter Type Optional Default Description
No constructor parameters

# Properties

# name Instantiation

The command's name. This is the main identifier your command can be invoked with.

Type: String

# aliases Instantiation

An array of aliases a command can be invoked with besides its main name.

Type: Array<String>

# subcommands Instantiation

An array of sub-command names a command has and can be sub-invoked with.

Type: Array<String>

# permissions Instantiation

An array of permissions the bot client must have to be able to run the command.

Type: Array<String>

# userPermissions Instantiation

An array of permissions the user invoking the command must have to be able to run the command.

Type: Array<String>

# owner Instantiation

Whether the command can only be executed by bot owners specified within the config object.

Type: Boolean

# nsfw Instantiation

Whether the command can only be executed within text channels that have been labeled NSFW.

Type: Boolean

# allowDMs Instantiation

Whether the command can be used within a private text channel in DMs.

Type: Boolean

# cooldown Instantiation

The amount in seconds a command should be on cooldown for the user invoking it after it has been invoked.

Type: Number

# help Instantiation

An object containing help properties for the built in help system. More information under Typedefs or the Examples.

Type: Object

# Methods

# execute(message, args, chariot) Abstract

A command's main method getting executed by the MessageHandler upon a valid invocation request.

Parameter Type Optional Default Description
message Eris.Message N/A The emitted message object that invoked this command
args String[] N/A An array containing all provided arguments
chariot Client N/A The Chariot.js bot client extending Eris.Client
Returns: Promise<void> This method resolves with an empty Promise upon successful completion.
async execute(message, args, chariot) {
    message.channel.createMessage(`This bot is in ${chariot.guilds.size} guilds!`);

# runPreconditions(message, args, chariot, next) Abstract | Optional

Precondition testing method. This method will run before the main command logic and is fully optional.

Parameter Type Optional Default Description
message Eris.Message N/A The emitted message object that invoked this command
args String[] N/A An array containing all provided arguments
chariot Client N/A The Chariot.js bot client extending Eris.Client
next Function N/A Marking testing as done, invoking the main executor
Returns: Promise<void> This method resolves with an empty Promise upon successful completion.
async runPreconditions(message, args, chariot, next) {
    if (args.length > 3) {
    } else {
        return message.channel.createMessage('Insufficient amount of arguments!');

# tailedArguments(string, delimiter, count)

Simple argument handler for getting tailed arguments with custom length and delimiters.

Parameter Type Optional Default Description
string String N/A A string to be used. E.g. message.content
delimiter String N/A A delimiter to split the string by. E.g. a space
count Number N/A How often to split by the delimiter before merging
Returns: Array<String> An array of all generated arguments with the last element being the merged result.
const content   = 'Hello my name is John';
const arguments = this.tailedArguments(content, ' ', 2); /* arguments ⇨ ['Hello', 'my', 'name is John'] */