# Embeds

Here are a few examples showcasing how easy it is to create embeds with the RichEmbed builder.

# Simple Title Flashcard

const Chariot = require('chariot.js');

message.channel.createEmbed(new Chariot.RichEmbed()
    .setTitle('This is a title only embed!')

# Attaching & Using Image Files

const Chariot = require('chariot.js');

message.channel.createEmbed(new Chariot.RichEmbed()
    .setTitle('Image Attachment Example')
    .setDescription('This is an example to showcase attachment usage for integrated embed images')
    .attachFile({ file: someFileBuffer, name: 'myFile.png' })

# Adding Timestamps

const Chariot = require('chariot.js');

message.channel.createEmbed(new Chariot.RichEmbed()
    .setTitle('Timestamp Example')
    .setDescription('This is an example to showcase timestamp usage')

# Adding Images and Thumbnails

const Chariot = require('chariot.js');

message.channel.createEmbed(new Chariot.RichEmbed()
    .setTitle('Images Example')
    .setDescription('This is an example to showcase image usage')

# Adding Fields

const Chariot = require('chariot.js');

message.channel.createEmbed(new Chariot.RichEmbed()
    .setTitle('Fields Example')
    .setDescription('This is an example to showcase fields')
    .addField('Field Title', 'Field Body', true)
    .addField('Another Title', 'Another Body', false)

# Embeds Without Property Chaining

const Chariot = require('chariot.js');
const myEmbed = new Chariot.RichEmbed();

myEmbed.setAuthor('Google', 'https://google.com/logo.png', 'https://google.com');
