# Help Properties

Full API specification reference for using the built in Chariot.js Help system object within a Chariot.Command class.

# Properties

Parameter Type Optional Default Description
message String "Not Provided" A help message explaining how to use the command
usage String "Not Provided" A universal command usage template
example String[] "Not Provided" An array of specific command usage examples
inline Boolean False If the usage and examples should be inline
visible Boolean True If the command should be shown in the command list

# Examples

Example for a command echoing text

this.help = {
    message: 'This command echoes the text provided as an argument in the channel',
    usage: 'echo <text>',
    example: ['echo Hello World!', 'echo This is an echo command, cool!'],
    inline: false,
    visible: true

Example for a command hidden from the command list

this.help = {
    message: 'A super secret command hidden from the command list 🤫',
    usage: 'secret',
    example: ['secret'],
    inline: true,
    visible: false